Wednesday 25 February 2009

The School of Life

Margaret Mead's quip about a small group of people being the only thing that ever did change the world has been ringing in my ears of late. I'm not sure why, but as the latest "School of Life" newsletter pinged into my inbox this evening I sat for a moment and thought about all the amazing people that do bold things. Who risk trying something new. Who put their ideas into action and not just think them! The School of Life is an absolutely brilliant idea and I'd love to do all the courses they've got going on this spring. I'm also taking inspiration from a client who does extraordinary athletic feats and thinking about what she does made me work that little bit harder to up my running game at the weekend. I've made it to 10K. Hooray! Then I watched a traumatic documentary about a chap that attempted to be the first person to kayak from Australia to New Zealand and wondered when sporting endeavour has gone too far. I love stuff like this as it puts me on the edge of my seat and into a state of awe and amazement. I recently watched "Man on Wire" and that too was just incredible. "The White Spider" will be my holiday reading next week which is the tale of an extraordinary climbing endeavour on the Eiger. I can't get enough of the stuff and it fuels my dream of trekking to Everest Base Camp one day. A dream that became a little bit more real after a 'Dream Diary' evening with a couple of local ladies last night. I'm so pleased I went even though I was shattered. Honestly, it's a mighty challenge to get these bits of time to myself with two small children but when I get them, I really do make the most of it. Big shout out to all the mothers I know (and don't know) who keep finding time to go beyond domesticity to nurture and develop themselves. The washing up can wait!

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