Thursday 7 January 2010


Aloha! Welcome, welcome. How are you? Apologies for the depressive sounding title for this month's mailing. It's a reflection of my theme for the year. Hmm, that doesn't sound much better does it? Let me explain and hopefully I'll inspire you to develop your own theme for 2010.

This time last year I shared with you my passion for 'DSD' not' NYR' ('Do Something Different' v New Year Resolutions). And so with DSD being my theme for 2009 I had a week of not spending; a week of random acts of kindness and we produced a film for our friends instead of sending Christmas cards and watched the favourite films of people we respect and admire. There was much, much more as well. It was fun, it was interesting and I learned things about myself and others. You can read about my experiences under a number of the 'Life' posts on my 'blog.

Building on what I wrote in last month's Here's a Thought mailing (about all or nothing/black and white thinking) I decided a good personal stretch for me would be to try and see more 'grey' in the world. I don't mean that I shall take off my rosy spectacles or that I intend to go looking for gloom but that I'm going to try and see more options, especially when it comes to personal challenges.

For instance, I have always been put off doing a half marathon (despite my husband and others repeatedly telling me I could do one tomorrow) because I fear I would not be able to keep running all the way. It hadn't occured to me (until I adopted my grey mindset) that it would be OK to walk part of the way if I needed to and the goal could be just to get round the course, not to do it in a personally brilliant time. I will add as a disclaimer that this doesn't mean I am necessarily doing a half marathon* any time soon because - and this brings me to the 'grit' part of my theme for 2010 - I have another personal challenge aready this year which is to complete my first book, Mothers Work.

'Grit' is a personal strength I began to read about last year after hearing Professor Martin Seligman (the psychologist credited with starting the positive psychology movement) talk in London. I recognise I really do need up to strengthen my perserverance or 'grit' muscle if I am to complete my book and get it published. If you are curious, you can take Prof Seligman's grit survey (it is free, although you need to register).

So there it is, "Grit & Grey" the theme for my year. Sounds a bit more inspiring now I've explained it? What might your theme be? Why not try choosing something that synchronises with a goal you'd like to achieve? Or pick something that might help strengthen a relationship with a particular person or people?

*I have tentative plans to do my first triatholon in St Albans in June if anyone fancies joining me. Might commit to a half marathon after the book.

What are you taking away this month?
Theming your year could help you weave personal development into your life every day. Or it might just be fun.

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